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Gregory O’Donoghue Competition Results
The winner of the 2023 Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition, Katie Griffiths, will read her winning poem Before I stillbirthed the birch along with a selection of her other work on 18th May 2024 at the Cork International Poetry Festival. Below, we have highlighted the first, second and third prize winners as well as (in alphabetical order)…
Prebooked Poetry Introductions Readers
friday 17th May, 2.30pm, Cork City Library | Free The Prebooked Poetry Introductions as part of the 2024 Cork International Poetry Festival involves six individuals who have yet to publish a short chapbook or full-length collection of poems. Each poet, chosen through open submission, will read in a ten-minute reading slot, in many cases availing…
Aneas 2024: Glaoch idir 1 Aibreán agus 1 Bealtaine
Cuirfidh an iris bhliantúil litríochta Gaeilge Aneas fáilte roimh ábhar don gcúigiú eagrán ó scríbhneoirí na Gaeilge idir 1 Aibreán agus 1 Bealtaine 2024. Dánta agus gearrscéalta amháin atáthar ag glacadh leo faoi láthair. Ní mór don ábhar a bheith neamhfhoilsithe. Cuirfear fáilte roimh ábhar ó scríbhneoirí bunaithe agus guthanna nua araon. Díolfar €40 ar…
Songwriting Workshop with John Spillane (8 – 29 April)
Four-week workshop on Monday evenings Time: 7 – 9 p.m. (four weeks: 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th April)Venue: via ZoomClass size: Maximum of twelveCost: €120 or €100 (concession to unwaged) This is an online workshop, open to anyone in the world. You will need to have access to a laptop / tablet / phone / computer which has…
Hiring Operations Officer at the Munster Literature Centre
The Munster Literature Centre is seeking a motivated individual to fill the role of Operations Officer, which encompasses social media, book-keeping and data processing. Founded in 1993, the Munster Literature Centre is deemed a ‘strategic organisation’ by the Arts Council of Ireland. We produce literary festivals, publish half a dozen titles per annum, offer workshops,…
Submittable update for February (Southword submissions and other opportunities)
Regrettably we have reached the submission limit our subscription with Submittable will allow us. The only we way we could continue for the month of February would be to change our subscription agreement irrevocably and be faced with needing to charge for submissions to cover the extra costs associated with the new plan forever. We…
Fool for Poetry Chapbook Competition Results
The joint winners of the 2023 Fool for Poetry International Chapbook Competition are Partridge Boswell and Gwen Sayers. We have also highlighted the finalists and highly commended entries below. Their chapbooks will be launched at the 2024 Cork International Poetry Festival (18th May). Joint Winners Levis Corner House by Partridge Boswell VT, USA Author of the Grolier Poetry…
The Farmgate Café National Poetry Award
Submissions by publishers only Entries to arrive by 30th January by post The award will be €2000 for the best full-length poetry collection published in the previous year by a poet residing in Ireland. All entered books must be in English. Translations will be accepted as long as the translated poet resides in Ireland. An…
Southword 45 out now
€10.00 Southword Editions, 2023, 140 pagesISBN: 978-1-915573-06-3 Southword 45 includes short stories from Mary Morrissy and Madeline Beach Carey, poems from David Harsent and Heather Treseler, and essays from our Southword Literary Essay Competition, including from our overall winner Eleanor Ariadne Shaw. Subscribe and order back issues here.
Aneas 4 out now
€10.00 Southword Editions, 2023, 75 leathanachISBN: 978-1-915573-07-0 Iris nua bhliantúil atá tiomnaithe go hiomlán don gcuid is fearr de litríocht chomhaimseartha na Gaeilge í Aneas, iris a léiríonn go bhfuil neart, ealaín, pléasúr agus tathag fós ag baint le litríocht na teanga sinseartha sa tír seo. Laistigh dá clúdach geobhair filíocht, gearrscéalta agus léirmheasanna doimhne ó na…