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Prebooked Poetry Introductions Readers
friday 17th May, 2.30pm, Cork City Library | Free
The Prebooked Poetry Introductions as part of the 2024 Cork International Poetry Festival involves six individuals who have yet to publish a short chapbook or full-length collection of poems. Each poet, chosen through open submission, will read in a ten-minute reading slot, in many cases availing of their first opportunity to give a reading in a professional setting.

Eoin Cahill is from Cork. His poems have recently appeared in HOWL New Irish Writing, Southword and The Storms Journal. In July 2023 he was a participant in The Stinging Fly Summer School. Find him @eoinspoems.
Paul Dylan (he/they) is a writer from Cork City. His poems have appeared in The Amphibian, Lumpen, and Unapologetic Magazine. Dylan was awarded a mentorship bursary by the Munster Literature Centre in 2023.
Patrick Holloway is a writer of fiction and poetry. He won the Bath Short Story Prize in 2023 and the Paul McVeigh Residency. His work has appeared in The Stinging Fly, Southword, The Moth, The London Magazine, among others.
Róisín Leggett Bohan is a writer from Cork. Her work appears in Poetry Ireland Review, Banshee, Aesthetica, Magma, New Irish Writing, Southword, Amsterdam Quarterly and more. Róisín is the grateful recipient of Arts Council funding, Cork City Arts funding, and a Munster Literature Mentorship. She is a Poetry Ireland Introductions poet, a UCC graduate and editor of HOWL New Irish Writing.
Lauren O’Donovan is a writer from Cork, Ireland. In 2023, she won the Patrick Kavanagh Poetry Award and the Cúirt New Writing Prize in Poetry. She is fortunate to have her work published often in journals and anthologies. Lauren is a graduate of UCC, co-founder of Lime Square Poets, and an editor at HOWL New Irish Writing.
Niamh Twomey is a poet from Co. Clare. She won the 2023 Desmond O’Grady International Poetry Competition and the 2022 Trim Poetry Competition. Her work has appeared in numerous journals and anthologies including The London Review, Rattle, Local Wonders, Banshee and Southword. She holds an MA in Creative Writing from UCC and is currently pursuing a PhD at Queen’s University Belfast.