Munster Literature Centre
Ionad Litríochta an Deisceart

Category: Latest News

  • Ó Faoláin Short Story Competition Open

    Ó Faoláin Short Story Competition Open

    The Seán Ó Faoláin International Short Story Competition is now open for entries. Word limit: 3,000Closing date: 31st July (midnight)Entry fee: €19 per story The competition is open to original, unpublished and unbroadcast short stories in the English language of 3,000 words or fewer. More details at our competition page.

  • Farmgate Café National Poetry Award Shortlist

    Farmgate Café National Poetry Award Shortlist

    The Farmgate Café National Poetry Award was established in 2019 with sponsorship from one of Cork’s most loved restaurants, The Farmgate Café. The partnership between the Munster Literature Centre and the Farmgate received the Business to Arts 2019 Best Small Sponsorship Award.Revived in 2023, the award will be €2000 for the best full-length poetry collection…

  • Southword Subscribers Competition

    Southword Subscribers Competition

    We have now opened Flash Fiction and Poetry Competitions exclusively for subscribers to Southword. These competitions are free to enter. Subscribers can enter three poems and/or three flash fiction pieces. There will be three prizes in each category: 1st €150, 2nd €100, 3rd €75. Winning entries will be published in issue 44 of Southword at…

  • Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition Results

    Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition Results

    The winner of the 2022 Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition, Jenny Mitchell, will read her winning poem When Our Mother Dies along with a selection of her other work on 20th May 2023 at the Cork International Poetry Festival. We have also highlighted the first, second and third prize winners as well as finalists (whose poems will appear…

  • Prebooked Poetry Introductions Readers

    Prebooked Poetry Introductions Readers

    19th May, 4.00pm, Cork City Library | Free The Prebooked Poetry Introductions as part of the 2023 Cork International Poetry Festival involves six individuals who have yet to publish a short chapbook or full-length collection of poems. Each poet, chosen through open submission, will read in a ten-minute reading slot, in many cases availing of…

  • Aneas 2023: Glaoch Oscailte

    Aneas 2023: Glaoch Oscailte

    Cuirfidh an iris bhliantúil litríochta Gaeilge Aneas fáilte roimh ábhar don gceathrú eagrán ó scríbhneoirí na Gaeilge idir 1 Aibreán agus 1 Bealtaine 2023. Dánta agus gearrscéalta amháin atáthar ag glacadh leo faoi láthair. Ní mór don ábhar a bheith neamhfhoilsithe. Cuirfear fáilte roimh ábhar ó scríbhneoirí bunaithe agus guthanna nua araon. Tuilleadh eolais, agus clárú le…

  • Prebooked Poetry Readings at Cork International Poetry Festival 2023

    This is your opportunity to apply for one of six reading slots available at the Prebooked Poetry Introductions reading at 4pm on Friday May 19th 2023, part of the Cork International Poetry Festival. Each poet will have the opportunity to read in a ten-minute reading slot and receive an honorarium of €150. You must be…

  • Fool for Poetry International Chapbook Competition Results

    Fool for Poetry International Chapbook Competition Results

    The winners of the 2022 Fool for Poetry International Chapbook Competition, Milica Mijatović and Tracy Gaughan, will read from their winning chapbooks on 20th May 2023 at the Cork International Poetry Festival. We have also highlighted the finalists and highly commended entries below. First Prize War Food by Milica Mijatović Ohio, USA Milica Mijatović is a Serb poet and…

  • Songwriting Workshop with John Spillane (15 Feb – 8 March)

    Songwriting Workshop with John Spillane (15 Feb – 8 March)

    Four-week workshop on Wednesday evenings Time: 7 – 9 p.m. (four weeks, 15 February – 8 March)Venue: via ZoomClass size: Maximum of twelveCost: €120 or €100 (concession to unwaged)  This is an online workshop, open to anyone in the world. You will need to have access to a laptop / tablet / phone / computer) which has…

  • Southword 43 Launch, 2nd February in Waterstones Cork

    Southword 43 Launch, 2nd February in Waterstones Cork

    The launch of Southword 43 will take place in Waterstones, Cork at 7.00 p.m. on Thursday 2nd February with poetry and short story readings from issue 42 and 43 of Southword. We hope you’ll join us!