Munster Literature Centre
Ionad Litríochta an Deisceart

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  • Cacti & other poems

    Cacti & other poems

    Cacti & other poems by Jerm Curtin New Irish Voices No. 7 Southword Editions, 2024, 32 pages ISBN: 978-1-915573-16-2

  • Aneas 5

    Aneas 5

    Southword Editions, 2024, 80 leathanach ISBN: 978-1-915573-14-8 Iris nua bhliantúil atá tiomnaithe go hiomlán don gcuid is fearr de litríocht chomhaimseartha na Gaeilge í Aneas, iris a léiríonn go bhfuil neart, ealaín, pléasúr agus tathag fós ag baint le litríocht na teanga sinseartha sa tír seo. Laistigh dá clúdach geobhair filíocht, gearrscéalta agus léirmheasanna doimhne ó na…

  • Southword 47

    Southword 47

    Southword Editions, 2024, 130 pages ISBN: 978-1-915573-15-5 Southword is a literary journal featuring new writing from around the globe. Issue 47 includes short stories from David W. Berner and Natalia Theodoridou, poems from Jonathan Edwards and Fred Johnston, and essays from our Southword Literary Essay Competition by Camille Louise Goering and Fiona O’Rourke.

  • Southword 46

    Southword 46

    Southword Editions, 2024, 156 pages ISBN: 978-1-915573-13-1 Southword is a literary journal featuring new writing from around the globe. This issue includes the winning short stories of the Seán Ó Faoláin International Short Story Competition (judged by Alexander MacLeod), the winning poems of the Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition (judged by Mary O’Donnell), as well…

  • Levis Corner House

    Levis Corner House

    Levis Corner House by Partridge Boswell Fool for Poetry Prize winner Southword Editions, 2024, 36 pages ISBN: 978-1-915573-12-4

  • Ghost Sojourn

    Ghost Sojourn

    Ghost Sojourn by Gwen Sayers Fool for Poetry Prize winner Southword Editions, 2024, 26 pages ISBN: 978-1-915573-11-7

  • Southword 45

    Southword 45

    Southword Editions, 2023, 140 pages ISBN: 978-1-915573-06-3 Southword 45 includes short stories from Mary Morrissy and Madeline Beach Carey, poems from David Harsent and Heather Treseler, and essays from our Southword Literary Essay Competition, including from our overall winner Eleanor Ariadne Shaw.

  • Aneas 4

    Aneas 4

    Southword Editions, 2023, 75 leathanach ISBN: 978-1-915573-07-0 Iris nua bhliantúil atá tiomnaithe go hiomlán don gcuid is fearr de litríocht chomhaimseartha na Gaeilge í Aneas, iris a léiríonn go bhfuil neart, ealaín, pléasúr agus tathag fós ag baint le litríocht na teanga sinseartha sa tír seo. Laistigh dá clúdach geobhair filíocht, gearrscéalta agus léirmheasanna doimhne ó na…

  • Outsiders, Always

    Outsiders, Always

    Outsiders, Always by Mary O’Donnell Southword Editions, 2023, 34 pages ISBN: 978-1-915573-05-6

  • Southword 44

    Southword 44

    Southword Editions, 2023, 106 pages ISBN: 978-1-915573-02-5 Southword 44 includes new poetry by Abigail Parry, a photo-essay by John Minihan and the winners and shortlistees of the recent Seán O’Faoláin International Short Story Competition (judged by Alan McMonagle ) and Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition (judged by Suji Kwock Kim).

  • War Food

    War Food

    War Food by Milica Mijatović Fool for Poetry Prize winner Southword Editions, 2023, 34 pages ISBN: 978-1-915573-01-8

  • What it Costs

    What it Costs

    What it Costs by Tracy Gaughan Fool for Poetry Prize winner Southword Editions, 2023, 32 pages ISBN: 978-1-915573-00-1

  • Southword 43

    Southword 43

    Southword Editions, 2022, 150 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-98-6 Southword 43 includes short stories from Gerard Beirne and Alan McCormick, poems from Amy Woolard and Fran Lock, photo essays from John Minihan and Rebecca Moseman and an interview with Thomas McCarthy.

  • Aneas 3

    Aneas 3

    Southword Editions, 2022, 80 leathanach ISBN: 978-1-905002-99-3 Iris nua bhliantúil atá tiomnaithe go hiomlán don gcuid is fearr de litríocht chomhaimseartha na Gaeilge í Aneas, iris a léiríonn go bhfuil neart, ealaín, pléasúr agus tathag fós ag baint le litríocht na teanga sinseartha sa tír seo. Laistigh dá clúdach geobhair filíocht, gearrscéalta agus léirmheasanna doimhne ó na…

  • Southword 42

    Southword 42

    Southword Editions, 2022, 97 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-97-9 Southword 42 includes new poetry by Wes Lee, a photo-essay by John Minihan and the winners and shortlistees of the recent Seán O’Faoláin International Short Story Competition (judged by Simon Van Booy) and Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition (judged by Thomas McCarthy).

  • Corona Connemara & Half a Crown

    Corona Connemara & Half a Crown

    Corona Connemara & Half a Crown by Jamie O’Halloran Fool for Poetry Prize winner Southword Editions, 2022, 30 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-93-1

  • Earth’s Black Chute

    Earth’s Black Chute

    Earth’s Black Chute by Cian Ferriter Fool for Poetry Prize winner Southword Editions, 2022, 33 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-92-4

  • Southword 41

    Southword 41

    Southword Editions, 2021, 124 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-87-0 Issue 41 of Southword includes new poetry by Dermot Bolger, new fiction by Immanuel Mifsud, an essay by Lydia Searle and much more.

  • Aneas 2

    Aneas 2

    Southword Editions, 2021, 87 leathanach ISBN: 978-1-905002-90-0 Iris nua bhliantúil atá tiomnaithe go hiomlán don gcuid is fearr de litríocht chomhaimseartha na Gaeilge í Aneas, iris a léiríonn go bhfuil neart, ealaín, pléasúr agus tathag fós ag baint le litríocht na teanga sinseartha sa tír seo. Laistigh dá clúdach geobhair filíocht, gearrscéalta agus léirmheasanna doimhne ó na scríbhneoirí…

  • Anatomy of a Honey girl

    Anatomy of a Honey girl

    Anatomy of a Honey girl by Liz Houchin New Irish Voices No. 6 Southword Editions, 2021, 32 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-91-7

  • If All This Never Happened

    If All This Never Happened

    If All This Never Happened by Vicky Morris Fool for Poetry Prize winner Shortlisted for Best Poetry Pamphlet in the Saboteur Awards 2021 Southword Editions, 2021, 35 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-85-6

  • Losing the Farm

    Losing the Farm

    Losing the Farm by Felicity Sheehy Fool for Poetry Prize winner Southword Editions, 2021, 31 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-86-3

  • Southword 40

    Southword 40

    Southword Editions, 2021, 118 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-88-7 Issue 40 includes new poetry by Alannah Hopkin, new non-fiction by Lucy Sweeney Byrne and the winners and shortlistees of the recent Seán O’Faoláin International Short Story Competition (judged by Billy O’Callaghan) and Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition (judged by Peter Sirr).

  • Southword 39

    Southword 39

    Southword Editions, 2021, 158 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-80-1 Issue 39 includes new poetry by Mary O’Malley, new fiction by Alan McMonagle, an essay by Helen Mort and much more. 

  • Aneas 1

    Aneas 1

    Southword Editions, 2020, 94 leathanach ISBN: 978-1-905002-76-4 Iris nua bhliantúil atá tiomnaithe go hiomlán don gcuid is fearr de litríocht chomhaimseartha na Gaeilge í Aneas, iris a léiríonn go bhfuil neart, ealaín, pléasúr agus tathag fós ag baint le litríocht na teanga sinseartha sa tír seo. Laistigh dá clúdach geobhair filíocht, gearrscéalta agus léirmheasanna doimhne ó na…

  • An Fheadóg Fia

    An Fheadóg Fia

    An Fheadóg Fia le Jidi Majia Aistrithe ag Simon Ó Faoláin Southword Editions, 2020, 118 leathanach ISBN: 978-1-905002-78-8

  • The King Of The Lam

    The King Of The Lam

    The King Of The Lam by Greg Delanty Southword Editions, 2020, 24 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-75-7

  • Poems from Pandemia

    Poems from Pandemia

    Poems from Pandemia Edited by Patrick Cotter Southword Editions, 2020, 145 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-82-5

  • Satyress


    Satyress by Audrey Molloy Fool for Poetry Prize winner Southword Editions, 2020, 37 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-71-9

  • Parturition


    Parturition by Heather Treseler Fool for Poetry Prize Winner “The Lucie Odes,” a sequence of poems in this chapbook, won Missouri Review’s Jeffrey E. Smith Editors’ Prize Southword Editions, 2020, 36 pages ISBN: 978-1-905002-70-2